Human rights
Human rights is an important topic for our organization as we are a production-oriented organization with a worldwide network of production locations and suppliers. Our responsibility focuses not only on our own sphere of influence, but also on processes further down the supply chain. Every new supplier has to sign a social responsibility agreement as an appendix in the procurement agreement when it comes to protecting human rights. In particular, a new supplier has to commit compliance with the RBA/EICC Code of Conduct, ISO 45001 and ISO 14001.
Each supplier receives thereby an annual audit/ assessment regarding human rights themes such as no forced labor, no child labor, minimum wage compliance and, anti-discrimination. If the audit results are not up to the standard and there is no improvement after counseling or the relevant corrective measures are not implemented, there are different levels of penalty from cutting orders to disqualification of the supplier.

People are at the core of our business. They are key as employees in our own operations and are working in different parts of the supply chain. We believe that we have a responsibility to respect human rights as set out in the Universal Bill of Human Rights, avoid any negative impacts and contribute to positive impacts on people. We thereby endorse the principles of the UN Global Compact and are committed to the UN Guiding Principles for business and human rights. We respect the rights of the child as stated in the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child, including the right to education, the right to rest and play and the right to have basic needs met.
Please find underneath our Human Rights policy and our UK Modern Slavery Act Statement.